All about Oggy( Oggy and the Cockroaches )


Today we discuss Oggy and the Cockroaches and the fan fact is oggy often displays kindness toward animals and often takes care of them. he could not bring himself to kill an octopus in one episode.

Oggy is enjoying watching television, eating, and, in a couple of instances, listening to music. As something of a neat freak, he feels compelled to have his residence clean and orderly and periodically performs household tasks. According to online descriptions, he is fond of the ideal home, game shows, listening to polka records, and eating chips in the bath. In addition, he is mentioned to fantasize about attaining a self-cleaning oven or a 12 gear vacuum on "The Wheel of Fortune". He also displays a love for gardening and board games.

 Oggy is a diplomatic and easy-natured cat. He often displays kindness toward animals and often takes care of them. Indeed, he could not bring himself to kill an octopus in one episode. In several episodes, Oggy has been shown to have five prime phobias: hydrophobia (fear of water), monophobia (fear of rats & mice), trypanophobia (fear of needles), acrophobia (fear of heights), and aviophobia (fear of flying).

The new girl-next-door neighbor. He falls in love with Olivia. in the episode "Olivia", he saved Olivia's life, making Jack and Bob jealous of him. She is a white cat. He is mostly nervous when he is with her, while Olivia doesn't feel nervous about the two like each other and have feelings for each other. But, after a few episodes in Season 4, he doesn't seem to feel as nervous as before. In "Oggy Is Getting Married!", both Oggy and Olivia are married together. In almost every episode where they appear together, she kisses him on the cheek. Occasionally, they end up kissing each other on the lips.

Oggy will sometimes have sympathy towards the Cockroaches. In "Oggy and the Babies" and "Oggy and the Kittens" he pleads to Jack to spare their lives and in "Lost in Space", "Space Journey" he decides to rescue the Cockroaches from suffocating in space despite being a constant nuisance to him. In short, Oggy has a peculiar love/hate relationship with the cockroaches. In fact, he has also learned that without them, his life would be very boring, this is proved in episode So Lonely and Alone at Last, where he gets rid of the roaches, but later he regrets them and realizes that his life isn't the same without them.
