MCU world : Reason Behind Nebula Can Kill Her Past Self And Still Survive

Today we Discuss How Nebula can kill her past self and still survive?

According to theories, First, we have to know that  What happens to one does not directly affect the other. yes, That's Right!  The Answer is The movie contains an extreme example of why parallel timelines are different from the butterfly effect. That’s because when 2014 Nebula traveled to the future on Thanos’ orders, she created a split timeline. Thus these are two different Nebulas who exist on two different timelines. And when good Nebula from 2023 shoots and kills old, evil Nebula from 2014. And though you might expect 2023 Nebula to start bleeding out or disappear, she’s completely fine Because of Split Timeline and these are two different Nebulas who exist on two different timelines.
